
Friday, May 21, 2010


The 2010 Man and Woman of the Year campaign is officially over. I want to congratulate each candidate for all of their hard work--Joe, Marcos, Scott, Ted, Beth, Ann, and Samira. It was a long and exhausting ten weeks, but oh, so worth it.

And, congratulations to Ted St. Pierre 2010 Man of the Year. He knows first hand the devastation of a blood cancer--he is also Taylor's father, this year's Girl of the Year.

And, yes, it is official--I am the new 2010 Woman of the Year! It wouldn't be possible without your help.

So here's to you--you are all truly Champions of Hope!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

One more week!

YIKES! Only a week to go! What a great journey--so many stories. Once I get a good night's sleep, maybe I'll be able to remember something other than a blur. But, until May 21st is over, we need to keep moving.

So, come on--please make a donation--Be a Champion of Hope.

Ask your friends to do the same.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast at West End UMC on Saturday was not a disappointment! The pancakes were yummy and the fellowship was great. I had a wonderful time visiting and reconnecting with some friends.

Thanks to all who participated--cookers, cleaners, servers, eaters and donors! I couldn't have asked for a better day. And, I'm truly blessed with a lot of friends.

Laura and her family came to eat with us! Thanks, Laura!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dunking Booth Event

Whew! What a wonderful afternoon. VCUHS Physician Billing Office hosted an event to beat all events--a dunking booth, a dress down day, and a Silent Auction. It was sunny and hot--a good day to be a target. None of them complained about going in the water.

A big thanks to Greg, Matt, Violetta, Terri, and Barbara for being such good sports spending their afternoon being targets. They were in the spirit of the event--heckling the crowd. Now don't feel sorry for them. They managed to arm themselves with super soaker water guns and fought back.

Folks lined up to take their turn. I'm not sure what Violetta did to folks, but when she got in the booth, there was a very long line.

I also want to thank everyone for coming out to the event, making donations, and preparing all of the events for the day. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with you.

A special thanks to Donna for organizing and to Dee for getting the booth.

When I left, folks were talking about next year....I can't wait!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crop for a Cure

Thanks to Terri Clifton for organizing and hosting Crop for a Cure Saturday at St. Mark's UMC. And, thanks to all of the ladies for coming out and spending the day. You are all making a difference!

And, yes, Ben and his mom came out to say a special "hello."

Less than 3 weeks to go! Be a Champion of Hope and donate now!